Friday, August 22, 2008

let the countdown begin

I've been away for more than 9 months. Grabe, miss ko na LAHAT ng pwedeng mamiss -- traffic, streets/highways with no sense of order, crazy packed malls, laughterlaughterlaughter, gigs(!), beer, bumming around with ghastly expensive cups of coffee, KYUSI, cubao, makati, manila, arguing, UP, sisig, isaw, church, FRIENDS(mine checo anji trixie jess avie laya frannie yayo randel ian ian manoxchix rom grace paul manoxboys gwen etcetcetc!!!), OYEKS, Marco and the Harders.

Shet, hindi nako makapagantay. thue-ni-wahn days tah ghooOo!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


You know how some people live with the fear that one day they’d wake up realizing that they’ve fallen out of love with someone? That when that finally happens, they would know what a terrible thing it is their mind has done. Maybe part of them would lament the loss, they'd feel betrayed, but no matter how sincerely sorrowful they are, there is nothing they could do to bring back what has slipped away and all they’re left with is a feeling of helplessness.

I grapple with a similar fear. But my version is that one day I would wake up and I would forget my father: how his voice sounds like, how his eyes could carry so much amusement, wisdom, and intensity, the shape of his brown glasses, the clothes he used to wear - a shirt with a side pocket, brown, gray, or blue slacks, the way he walked, and how kindly he spoke towards me and other people.

Truth is, I’ve forgotten most of his jokes. All I remember is that he used to make me laugh, but I can't recall how. So I’m scared that in this state of slow deterioration, one day all his memories would disappear. That he would fade and become just a tiny, optional footnote.

My mind could erase him in many different ways. Like, one day, maybe it would refuse to echo back to me the way Papa used to say my name or his peculiar way of pronouncing, “hambur-ger.” And, in an act of betrayal, I would stop holding on to the last lingering look he gave - me in a telephone booth decked in stupid adolescent rebellion, while he was outside, gazing at me in his blue hospital robe with a look that encapsulated the saddest and yet most hopeful gaze he alone could probably give me in this lifetime.

I'm scared that as I go on with my life, as I become wrapped up in my responsibilities as an adult and as I take on new roles, my memories of him would suffer in the process. That eventually the daughter in me would die so it could give way to another person. Someone more whole; someone lighter, someone less fragmented.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

when you can't decide, consult the tarot

keywords: going home crossroads staying leaving
Three of Wands in the "Self" Position

Main (positional) Meaning:
You are prepared to take risks to explore new opportunities or enterprises.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

When the Three of Wands is in this position an adventure is about to be set in motion. This card represents the burning drive that compels a person to risk his or her worldly fortunes for a chance at greatness. Committed to a plan of action, you have gathered resources and designed the step by step procedure.

An enterprising spirit inspires you to strike out in this new direction rather than stay with the status quo. Now you can confidently set out on this journey of exploration and hopefully, enrichment.

The Magician in the "Situation" Position

Main (positional) Meaning:
Allow genius to operate in this situation and creative solutions are sure to arise.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

Allow imagination and originality to operate in this situation and creative solutions are sure to arise. People become less judgmental in a stimulating atmosphere.

This is a good time to become involved with a person of genius who can intuitively transform chaos into a higher order. The situation at hand provides fertile ground for unorthodox approaches. It looks like it's going to be a fun ride.

The Lovers
in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

Main (positional) Meaning:
Opposites can be brought into harmony.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The Lovers challenge you to distill the best from seeming opposites and create a new mixture. Rather than thinking of them as opposing each other, consider these two elements as right and left hands.

Harmonize these opposites and you will heal a rift that will greatly expand your awareness. If you pit one side against the other, however, you will slide back into unconsciousness. Share whatever you learn from this experience.

So in this current situation, what is the status quo? What is the "unorthodox decision"? And how do I harmonize the opposites? *bangs head against the wall* I wish I could have more obvious answers, even though I know in the end, my decision would prevail. I'm just not sure if they're always the wisest/right one.

Any thoughts, closet tarot-lovers?