Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 Round-up

What did you do in 2008 that you've never done before?
Travel alone – and I loved it! The concept had always seemed somewhat scary to me (especially in a country whose language I grapple with everyday), but in the end curiosity won out. I just had to visit places like Kyoto and Osaka and don’t really have anyone to go with so kebs na sa pag-aalangan.

Both were immensely fulfilling experiences, and I know I would want to be doing more traveling in the years ahead (like nextyear), preferably with a friend (ahem!), but if no one’s available and the place looks safe, kahit solo ako ulit, sige!

Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Hmm…I don’t really “make” New Year’s resolutions and don’t intend to for next year either. :p Siguro ano na lang, I should exercise more next year, keep clutter at bay, and be more productive.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
No one did this year, but Checo is due really soooooon! Mine, Anj, and I are all excited titas.

Did anyone close to you die?
Not this year, thank god. Skip muna sana ako dito, our family has had too much in the years prior to this.

What countries did you visit?
Went back to the Philippines last September, then stayed in exotic Japan.

Was able to go to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kagawa, Hakone and Palawan!

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
A great boss (the brilliant, unselfish, decent, honest and without racial prejudices kind) and the kind of work which would allow me to teach and write (kung pwede yung may kinalaman sa sining).

What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Hmm…ano nga ba. Yung mga biyahe:

Sept. 15-18, Palawan trip; because it was the first time I went snorkeling and totally fell in love with it, and because I went with Marco and we both had a blast.

Oct. 1, Osaka, day of my US visa interview + Radiohead concert. Parehong masaya.

Nov.30-Dec.2, Kyoto. It’s an unbelievably beautiful city, worth all the hype.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I was able to combat homesickness (sa Multiply at sa lahat ng well-meaning friends who made themselves available to me online: thank you.)

What was your biggest failure?
I didn’t assert myself as much as I should have done. I think I need to work on this, especially when it comes to work and letting myself to get what I rightly deserve. But we all learn, don’t we? I sure hope I did.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Minor sickness like pagod-related fever early this month, extremely sore leg muscles from too much walking (blam it on the exuberance of a tourist).

What was the best thing you bought?
Sunshine the Ipod and my grungy black boots. Oh, and my pair of happy Chucks.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
He-who-shall-not-be-named, for referential purposes.

To sum the person up, capitalist racists make you believe the worst in mankind and even make you doubt a culture (just because it’s the environment that raised him).

Where did most of your money go?
Travel and travel paraphernalia (oooh, walking shoes! Camera! Etc.,etc.)

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Going to Kyoto just because I’ve heard so much about it and coming home after ten months of being away.

What song will always remind you of 2008?
The whole In Rainbows album, I think I’ll always feel a certain thrill listening to it, yung awe at pagiging surreal nung experience na once upon a time, napanood ko yung Radiohead live.

Compared to this time last year, you are:
i. happier or sadder? -- Definitely much happier. I’m not as homesick anymore compared to last year (and most part of this year), I still do miss home pero nakapag-adjust na yata ako kahit papano and made a few good friends along the way (haha, after a year and a half!).
ii. thinner or fatter? -- Fatter, because I’ve also been doing more cooking (and luvin’ it).
iii. richer or poorer? -- By some standards richer, but only because I was sort of penniless before and couldn’t even afford to take short trips without blowing all my savings (lakwatsera talaga ko). I’m kinda glad to have the resources to do what I want. Sana magtuloy-tuloy.

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Write and read about art.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Desired things I couldn’t and shouldn’t have.

How did you spend Christmas?
Currently answering this meme! Might go out later with Nat, his girlfriend and some people for a proper Xmas dinner (kung hindi ako tatamarin).

Did you fall in love in 2008?
Yep -- with a job that’s based in Singapore, but it didn’t love me back, boohoo.

Sa rela-relasyon, considering that I’m in an LDR, we didn’t fall out of love so hurrah to that!

How many one-night stands?
Sa totoo lang I don’t understand the logic of one-night stands, so no and maybe never.

What was your favorite TV program?
No Reservations (dinner on Thursdays), The Situation Room (morning newspaper), Gossip Girl (weekday break)

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don’t hate him, but I got (and still get) appalled by his dodgy behavior and decision-making numerous times. Pricks do exist.

What was the best book you read?
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (Haruki Murakami) re-read it a lot this year, particularly the short story “The Kidney-Shaped Stone.” May mga epiphanies ako sa tuwing binabasa ko yun.

Norwegian Wood, another Murakami. Fell in love with Midori’s character. She’s like a Cameron Crowe girl. Gusto kong maging Midori (o kaya sana isa akong Midori).

There’s something about reading Murakami while in Japan. Parang mas ramdam ko sya. Gusto ko ring bumalik ng Tokyo and do my very own Murakami tour; traverse the streets he mentioned in the book. :p

Another author discovery: Eileen Chang, Love in a Fallen City, she's a gem. Ang galing nung paglalawaran nya sa old Shanghai.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Drumroll please (because this would prolly sound pretentious, haha): jazz. Parang finally, I know how to listen to it now (somewhat). Sabi ko kay Marco, I owe it to him cause’ he taught me how.

That and Velvet Underground.

What did you want and got?
Adventure (and a dash of kitchen sense)!

Objects-wise, a camera

What was your favorite film of this year?
My Blueberry Nights (Norah Jones’ performance somewhat fell short, but Rachel Weisz and David Strathairn were brilliant. Ang heartbreaking nung segment nila.)

Favorite soundtrack: Juno

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
26 (fak)! I just worked the whole day; spent the day with my adult learners (one gave me a bar of Willy Wonka chocolate), the afternoon with my kids (a naughty, handful, but somewhat endearing bunch) and then after work, there was the sorta expected surprise party with the evening students, Nat and Takumi.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having Marco and my friends logistically near, hindi lang through the internet. A better boss would have helped too.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Comfy teaching clothes – suits, shirts, turtlenecks, plaid pants
Lakwatsa wear – boots, black leggings + mini-skirts, t-shirts
Heaps of black stockings and black tights.
Lots of black, period.

What kept you sane?
Chatting with Marco, Mine, Rach, Michelle, Ysa, Sandi, atbp., your Multiply replies, and making new travel plans; basically having something to look forward to never fails to paint the world in a better light.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Barack Obama! Hahah, there goes the suspicion that I find men who exude power and the smarts sexayyy

Who/What did you miss?
People: a lot (you should know)!

Events: every Centennial celebration event and (gaddamet) the Eraserheads Reunion Concert (I don’t think I’ll ever get over this)

Food: Isaw and Balut (they’re pretty hard to export)

Who was the best new person you met?
The award goes to Nat my co-teacher, just because he’d sometimes act as my lobbyist against our office imperialist (and he’s proving to be a good friend too).

Tell us some valuable life lessons you learned in 2008.
When it comes to dealing with others, no matter how decent or fair you are some people will still fuck you up. In fact, a select dodgy few will even choose to take advantage of you.

What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself:
”You also happen to be cute and caring.” (haha)

The most touching experience you've had this year?
There were the unexpected moments courtesy of Marco (I feel very lucky to have a rather expressive boyfriend) and friends saying they miss me (kurot sa puso yun!). It made me feel loved, haha.

What did you like most about yourself this year?
I took the challenge to live away from all that’s comfortable and familiar and embarked on a teaching job and managed to do not-so-badly on both counts.

What did you hate most about yourself this year?
I still sometimes whine a lot and buy things/food because they appear cheap and end up just wasting cash because they don’t get used or eaten.

How are you different now that the year has ended?
I hope I’m wiser and more realistic now especially where working and dealing with higher-ups are concerned. Also, I have started to use mascara, lipstick and eye liner (this newly-acquired skill rocks!).

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Do you go to the country
It isn't very far
There's people there who will hurt you
’cos of what you are

Your ears are full of their language
there's wisdom there you're sure
Till the words start slurring
And you can't find the door

So give me coffee and TV easily
I've seen so much, I'm going blind
and braindead virtually
socialability is hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
and agree to marry me so we can start over again

What are your plans for 2009?
Go back to graduate school. Get a jumpstart on a more stable profession (yung totohanan na), yung related sa pinag-aaralan ko. Travel more. Learn new things, like driving.

What are your wishes for the new year?
I have yet to make a list, but it’s somewhat related to the things mentioned above.

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